Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It Doesn't Have To Be Big To Be Epic

A million Kooks surfed Edgewater yesterday. Sometimes, we here at The Sewer Pipe wonder if there is a whole other set of Cleveland surfers who believe that the only time there are surf-able waves on Lake Erie is on Labor Day.

Yesterday's waves: Big, but messy.

Today's waves: Small, Clean, Fun.

It doesn't always have to be big to be "epic." That word can also apply to waist-high clean, 73-degree waves on a sunny Tuesday, when you and four of your friends have the whole lake to yourself.


"Good morning Mr. Williams. How are you this fine day?"

"Just wonderful. And yourself Mr. Miller?"


The Legendary Oscar Harris, AKA Neal The Eel, in a rare middle basin appearance.


The Rod (trademarked) approved.


He's the only guy anymore that can really keep a short board that far out of the water, for that long. Where were you today, Stevie Wonder?


That's just f-ing Bad Ass.


And you kids think you're so cool with your short boards, that you're hardly ever able to catch any waves with. The Eel demonstrates how it's done.


He could have gone left, he could have gone right. But The Rod (Trademarked) always goes his own way.

Cover Photo: The Lake Chewbacca says it all, without saying a word.


  1. Stevie Wonder, you might as well start calling me Ditzenburger.

  2. I'll be up after work tomorrow
