Monday, July 19, 2010

Waves You Might Have Missed

With all this whining done on a certain local surf forum about the dearth of waves to be had lately, we at The Sewer Pipe were amazed that nobody - except myself and a certain Wookie - took advantage of the blessings brought by the wind, this weekend.

No waves you say?

Who says?

The Buoys?

Fuck the buoys!

The Box of Lies?

Fuck the Box of Lies!

We can assure that there indeed were waves this weekend. You're probably wondering how we know this. How did we find waves during the summer doldrums?

It's a big secret: You have to go out and look for them. Sometimes you have to get up really early and go out and look for them.

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Avon Waves, early Friday morning.

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Waves at an undisclosed location in the Eastern Basin, Saturday. (Photo courtesy of The Lake Chewbacca)

So, stop your whining. Take those buoy readings and weather reports with a grain of salt. A little time, a little $2.75 gasoline, and a positive attitude, and you too can be scoring waves when everyone else is sitting around playing nut-ball.


  1. My wife is typing this for me as I am strapped to my bed, sweating profusely and occasionally projectile vomiting... PWD - Pacific Withdrawal Syndrome

    Everywhere I smell the ocean, yet it is not there.

    It seems all waves are breaking on any distant shore but our own.

    I will rejoice tomorrow in watching men suffer more than me, as they ride up the Col du Tourmalet, in their own personal purgatories. Maybe then healing will begin.

    Those Eastern Basin waves are, unfortunately, no solace for me at present.

  2. Hawk, ARE RUINED!!!

    JY, nice shot of the power plant. Probably my favorite pic.


  3. wow...$2.75 gas. Sigh....
